
Possums are a native Australian animal that won’t harm you or your family – but that doesn’t stop them from chewing electrical wiring, causing expensive damages to your roof, and keeping you awake all night. Jim’s Termite & Pest Control Victoria offer fast, non-lethal possum control for your peace of mind.
Possums aren’t top of the list when you think of ‘pests’ but if you live near native bush or in suburban Victoria, you’ll know how frustrating it can be to have possums living in your home. More than a nuisance, possums can become aggressive around pets and leave unhygienic droppings that put your health at risk.
Our non-destructive possum control service includes:

Home inspection

Identify and block access points

Possum removal

Ongoing prevention methods
Jim’s Termite & Pest Control Victoria has a team of skilled possum control specialists able to provide the humane possum removal services you need, at the most affordable price.
Custom possum control programs to suit your needs
Australian law prohibits the killing or removal of possums without a permit, so it’s best to call the professionals. At Jim’s Termite & Pest Control Victoria we know what it takes to remove possums, and you can rest easy knowing we’ll adhere to all local laws and legislation.
To keep possums out of your home we start by inspecting your property for entry points. Each entry point is sealed with one-way exit holes to allow possums to leave your roof without allowing return access.
Our possum experts have extensive experience dealing with the two common species of possum in Victoria – Common Brushtail Possum and Common Ringtail Possum, so you can feel confident knowing we’ve got a custom control program to suit your needs.
Why Choose Jim’s Termite & Pest Control for your possum infestation?

Better Sleep:
Possums are nocturnal animals that move around at night and keep you awake all hours

Protect Your Home:
Possums chew wiring, cause significant structural damage, and destroy ceiling insulation

No Killing:
Our possum control methods are safe and humane, without harming Australia’s natural wildlife

Lasting Protection:
We seal all possible access points to prevent released possums from coming back to your home